Cloud Migration’s Biggest Hurdles in 2024

Estimated read time 5 min read

Moving to the cloud is still seen by businesses as an important step toward going digital. There are, however, some hard parts to this journey. Companies face many problems when they try to move to the cloud because it is so complicated. These problems can affect how well and quickly they can move. This blog post talks about some of the biggest problems businesses are having moving to the cloud right now and how they can fix them.

1. Data Security and Compliance Concerns

Security is still the most important thing for businesses moving to the cloud, even though data breaches happen all the time. It can be scary to think about putting private data at risk during the change, and it can be hard to keep up with changing rules. To lower these risks, businesses must pick cloud companies with strong security measures and secure data both while it’s being sent and while it’s being stored. For a relocation process to be legal, companies must also understand and follow the rules that apply to their business.

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) rules say that healthcare organizations must follow them. Some, like the Mayo Clinic, have used cloud options to protect patient data. Partnering with cloud companies that offer HIPAA-compliant services and encrypting data all the way through helps them keep private health information safe during transfer and in the cloud.

2. Complexity of Cloud Integration

It can be hard to combine current systems and apps with cloud services, especially for businesses that have a strong on-premises IT infrastructure. Making sure that cloud-based and traditional systems work together without any problems usually takes major changes to the architecture and a lot of customization. To deal with this problem, organizations can use an organized transfer method, which lets them integrate things slowly and deal with problems as they come up.

Think about a big bank like JPMorgan Chase that still uses methods that are decades old. Adding these systems to modern cloud services needed a planned approach, which included using API ports to make it easier for old and new systems to connect to each other. In addition to making the change go more smoothly, this let the bank update its systems without stopping business as usual.

3. Managing Multi-cloud Environments

Businesses are moving toward multi-cloud plans, which mean they use services from more than one cloud provider. This makes management and control more difficult. It’s hard to keep a unified management approach because each provider has its own tools and platforms. Organizations can handle this complexity by putting in place a strong multi-cloud management strategy that includes unified tools for tracking, security, and compliance.

A big store like Walmart uses more than one cloud to avoid being locked into one seller and get the best service possible. Walmart can get the most out of both Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud by using them for different kinds of computer needs. Because it was hard to keep track of all these different settings, complex multi-cloud management tools were created to give one place of control over resources and processes.

4. Cost Management and Optimization

Moving to the cloud can save you money, but you may have to pay extra for things like data transfer fees, storage costs, and the ability to scale up or down your resources. If you can’t see or control how much you spend in the cloud, the perks can quickly go away. To handle costs well, you need to keep an eye on them all the time, make the most of cloud resources, and pick the right price plan for your usage habits.

The prices of storing and sending data are very high for a video service like Netflix. Netflix gets the most out of its cloud spending by using both AWS’s Reserved Instances and Spot Instances. This method makes planning more predictable and gives you the freedom to scale resources in a way that saves you money. It shows that you are taking a proactive approach to managing cloud costs.

5. Performance and Latency Issues

It is very important for businesses to ensure services work just as well in the cloud as they did on-premises. Problems with latency can ruin the user experience, especially for users who are spread out physically. To fix this, companies should pick cloud areas that are close to where their customers are and use content delivery networks (CDNs) to make things run faster.

For users to have a smooth experience, an online game company like Epic Games needs to make sure there is low delay. Through cloud services like AWS’s global infrastructure and Amazon CloudFront (CDN), Epic Games makes it possible for Fortnite players all over the world to experience less delay. This smart use of cloud areas and CDNs shows how to deal with speed issues in the cloud.

Bottom Line

Migration to the cloud is a difficult process, but these problems can be solved with the right plans and methods. Organizations can successfully move to the cloud by handling worries about security and compliance, keeping prices and complexity in check, and making sure they have access to skilled staff. To use cloud computing to its fullest potential in 2024, you need to carefully plan and execute it by yourselves or pick the right cloud partner like Softura (25+ years expertise), let them assist in the transition.

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